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Register for this year’s Coalition Health Fairs!

Alaska Electrical Health & Welfare Fund invites you and your eligible dependents to partici...

aetf news image featured healthy wallet

Keep Your Wallet Healthy, Too

Make The Most of Benefits that Save You Money

aetf news image featured stop sneezing

When You Just Want to Stop Sneezing

How to Choose the Best OTC Medication

aetf news image featured colon cancer

Detect Colon Cancer Early

Don’t Wait to Get Tested

aetf news image featured walk

Walk Your Way to Better Health

 It’s good for your mind and body

aetf news image featured get care

Get Care Without Being There

Get services when and where you want

aetf news image featured add years

Add Years to Your Life And Life to Your Years

These five simple habits can add more than a decade to your life